Seascape Caribbean works at the forefront of the field in efficiency, predictability and durability of coral (ecosystem services) enhancement projects that they be applicable to the needs of the private and pubic sectors. Dr. Ross was a founding member to the Coral Restoration Consortium; a NOAA-facilitated global collaborative of coral restoration practitioners bringing the concept to the mainstream.



As a private contractor working to discrete deliverables, predictability is a primary concern in implementation, grow-in and once established. This implies effective assessment of client goals and site as-is, as-adapted and as-intended, followed by efficient implementation and strong productivities in the growing-in system as per the contracted timeline. As such we take care to remain up-to-date on material, method and equipment developments; however, often we must be that innovator to address our (client) needs.

Our approaches fall into three broad themes, often employed in concert to achieve shore and long-term goals:

  • Maintenance or reef-gardening, wherein the reef is actively maintained for damaged or downed coral including planted coral, predators, algae and entanglement flotsam by a trained technician. This will often be combined with a fisheries management programme and snorkelling-related ROI.

  • Horticultural, wherein large corals are cultured and planted with expectation of rapid, high impact and strong survivorship. These programmes hold large corals in attractive, high-visibility nurseries for guest viewing and strong social media impact.

  • Silvicultural, wherein large numbers of much smaller corals are cultured through a minimal in-nursery period to be planted at numbers/scales for a slower and softer but ultimately greater impact in scope and scale, including for wave attenuation for coastal protection. These industrializing systems are somewhat less aesthetically interesting, but may be populated by divers or via land-based works that may be guest-visible.

techniques & TECHNIcal collaboration

We have made several inventions and hold several patents within these and tangential themes, all available to registered collaborator-colleagues. We also provide design consultancy, collaboration and seed-support in adaptation to current, pending and novel inventions in this and related fields. Please contact us for your pass-code.

Collaborator log-in

Seascape Caribbean - Tooling